Digital book lists, learning tips and how-tos.

Free English Grammar Books
It can be a challenge to understand English grammar, and it’s not just learners that struggle. For the majority of native English speakers, grammar is difficult and often thought of as redundant.
10 Books That Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime
There are novels and then there are great novels. Here we look at the 10 books everyone should read in their lifetime.
Top 10 Theatrical Audiobooks
Our top 10 theatrical audiobooks are a great way to enjoy classical works that have been shown on stage for centuries. Some of the titles on our list were written with the sole purpose of being performed to an audience, while others were adapted from their original forms to become undeniably more successful on stage.
Audiobooks Vs Books: Is Listening the New Reading?
As a concept, the audiobook is certainly not a new one, with the earliest vinyl-record versions being made as early as 1932 by the American Foundation for the Blind....
10 Tips for Learning English
We've compiled a useful list of tips for learning English, a set of tricks that will hopefully help you communicate more fluently in less time. Learning English or any language for that...
Free Tarzan Audiobooks – Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author of popular fiction, mainly in the adventure, sci-fi and fantasy genres. Arguably his most well-known character is Tarzan, who is...
Top 10 Socially-Distanced Summer Beach Reads
Introducing our top 10 summer beach reads. Summer has rolled around again and whilst we’re all still in the midst of the global lockdown, we’re all keen to get out into the...
Top 10 Inspirational Novels
With lockdown seemingly dragging on and on and on, we could all do with a bit of a pep. With this in mind, we bring you our latest list of top 10 inspirational novels. This month we’re...
Top 10 Stimulating Novels
As we’ve all been inside for some considerable time now, many of us are in need of some mental stimulation to combat the onset of cabin fever. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of...